The Illinois calculator can be used to help create phosphorus recommendations for your fertility strategies.
The Illinois calculator utilizes the following equations:
Bray P1:
High Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 40, P Rec = ((40 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.37 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 40 and (STP * 2) <= 60, then P Rec = (0.37 * Yield)
Medium Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 45, P Rec = ((45 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.37 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 45 and (STP * 2) <= 65, then P Rec = (0.37 * Yield)
Low Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 50, P Rec = ((50 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.37 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 50 and (STP * 2) <= 70, then P Rec = (0.37 * Yield)
Mehlich 3-COL: STP = (0.84 * STP as M3-COL) + 1.21
Olsen Bicarbonate: STP = (2.27 * STP as Olsen) - 7.045
Mehlich 3-ICP: STP = (0.778 * STP as M3-ICP) - 6.4667
Bray P1 or Mehlich 3-COL:
High Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 40, P Rec = ((40 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.75 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 40 and (STP * 2) <= 60, then P Rec = (0.75 * Yield)
Medium Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 45, P Rec = ((45 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.75 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 45 and (STP * 2) <= 65, then P Rec = (0.75 * Yield)
Low Supply Power: If (STP * 2) < 50, P Rec = ((50 - (STP * 2) * 9 / 4) + (0.75 * Yield); if (STP * 2) > = 50 and (STP * 2) <= 70, then P Rec = (0.75 * Yield)
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