Field ops data such as harvest, as-planted, and fertilizer data link spatially in Field360 Studio. This means that the only thing data needs to be tied to a specific field is to have GPS coordinates that fall inside that field. There is no need for farm and field names to match. However, this means that for operations with no field boundaries, uploaded field ops data will not link. There is no process for automatically creating field boundaries from unlinked data. This prevents unwanted fields from being created inadvertently. However, the Spatial Field Ops Linker in Field360 Studio can create boundaries from data and link data to that boundary if a user prompts it to do so.
Caution: The quality of the fields produced depends on the quality of the data from the monitor. Farm and field names and borders will match exactly with what was recorded in the monitor. It is advisable to review the data in the Spatial FieldOps Linker to verify that Auto-Build is the best choice for the situation.
Note: Field360 Studio is an internal program available to Pioneer employees.
Related articles:Why are accurate boundaries important?How do I use Sync Pro?How do I use Field360 Studio's Read FieldOps Cards tool to import data?How do I Import boundaries into Field360 Studio using shapefiles?
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