If you want to build your own calculator, the best place to start would be with the template that already exists within Field360 Studio.
Click Setup and then click Calculators.
On Calculator Editor let’s click the button.
Expand the How To section. Then select Building a Spreadsheet Calculator.
Now click the link for the Calculator Template.
This will prompt you to either open or save the file.
Note: Calculators must be in an .xlsx or .xls file type.
Calculator Overview:
There are three parts that make up a calculator:
Conditionals- are used in Excel are used for IF functions. They will return one value if the condition is true or another value if the condition is false. Examples of conditionals that might be used in a nutrient calculator are crops or sequence. Your calculator is not required to have a conditional, but if you decide not to use a conditional, be sure that you delete the whole named range. If you don’t, it will cause an error.
Variables- are, simply put, a number we don’t yet know. The Variables named range must have three columns: a variable name, its value in the calculation (updated automatically by the calculator for each row of the data set) and a unit-of-measure. A fourth column is optional. It identifies what data use the variable is in.
Results- are required. You could have multiple results on your calculator. Results coming out of an Excel spreadsheet or reclassification table need to be in nutrient form, such as K_Rec and P_Rec not Potash and DAP, respectively. The conversion from nutrient to product is accomplished in the Nutrient Formulator. The Results named range has three required columns and two optional columns. The required columns are: Result Name, Result value, Result Unit. The optional columns identify date use and data type.
Common Reasons for Failure
Calculator Manual Inputs
Custom Yield Target or HarvestExtraction Method BrayP1 Olsen M3-ICP M3-Col
Build years (numeric value - 1,2,3 or 4)
P Optimum Low (numeric value)
P Optimum High (numeric value)
K Optimum Low (numeric value)
K Optimum High (numeric value)
Custom Yield Target or HarvestTarget pH (numeric value)
Tri-State Yield Target or HarvestExtraction Method BrayP1 Olsen M3-ICP M3-COL Tri-State Lime None
Illinois Yield Target or HarvestExtraction Method BrayP1 Olsen M3-ICP M3-COl Supplying Power Low Medium High
Illinois Lime None
Iowa Yield Target or HarvestExtraction Method BrayP1 Olsen M3-ICP M3-COL
Iowa LimeS.A.A. (Soil Association Areas - west part of state 6.0 - east part of state 6.5 - Alfalfa 6.9 East West Alfalfa
Depth(numeric value)
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