This article will walk through how to create a dry blended product to use in Nutrient Formulator.
Process:1. Click the Setup menu.
2. Select Fertilizers from the drop-down menu.
3. From the Fertilizer Editor window, select the Add button.
4. When the Add Fertilizers window appears, type in "Dry" in the Name contains field.
5. If you see the dry blend with the nutrient analysis you need, select the name and Preview product. If this is the correct product, close preview window and click OK. Product will appear in the Fertilizer Editor window for that Domain and is ready to use in Nutrient Formulator.
If you do not see the blend with the correct nutrient analysis, select dry blend from the list and click OK.
6. The blended product will appear in the Fertilizer Editor window for that Domain. Select the product and click Edit.
7. Here you can edit the Product Lot Name and Nutrients. You can also verify the Units of measure and Densities.For example- User wants to create a blend of 50/50 Map and Potash. Nutrient analysis will be 6-26-30.
8. When finished editing the Dry Blend product, click OK. Product is ready to be used in Nutrient Formulator.
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