When using VRS to build a soybean variable rate recommendation, NCCPI (National Commodity Crop Index) is used to determine the seeding rates by zone. Unlike Yield Targets, NCCPI is not editable within Corteva Fields. This article discusses how to create a soybean recommendation based on yield target within Field 360 Studio.
You can create a soybean variable rate recommendation based on Yield Target within Field360 Studio with the calculator provided below. The calculator does not include any characteristics of any one variety. It is built to be used across all varieties of soybeans. You manually enter the variables when setting up the seeding script in Field360 Studio which can reflect the variety of your choice.
1. Download and open the calculator named "Soybean Seeding Calc- Variety Products" from the Link below prior to importing into Field360 Studio.Soybean Seeding Calculator
Note: An additional option exists. Field360 Studio contains 4 ‘generic’ seed varieties (Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4). The above link also contains a calculator named "Soybean Seeding Calc- Generic Products" that will generate prescriptions for the ‘generic’ Group placed varieties. A user might choose this option if they had a rate recommendation for a specific type of soybean as opposed to a specific variety. For example a recommendation for ‘offensive’ type soybeans versus a recommendation for ‘defensive’ type soybeans. Another example would be a recommendation for ‘upright’ type soybeans versus a recommendation for ‘bush’ type soybeans.
2. Verify that the variety you want to use is in the results. There can be multiple results in the calculator if you want to run this on more than one variety.
3. To delete a variety, highlight the row containing the variety, right click your mouse, and select Delete.
4. To add a variety, highlight the row of an existing variety, right click your mouse, select Copy. Highlight a row where you would like to add a new variety, right click your mouse, select Paste.
5. You will need to edit the variety name. Variety names must match EXACTLY how they are displayed in Corteva Fields.
6. Once you have added and/or edited the varieties you plan to use, save the calculator and close.
7. You will now go into Field 360 Studio and import your calculator. Note: be sure to select Seeding as your scope when importing this calculator.
8. Once you have imported your calculator, you will go to Advanced Seed Rate Recommendations to create and run your soybean variable rate recommendation.
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