Some monitors can utilize a multi-hybrid variable-rate seeding (VRS) recommendation - they can load more than one product at a time and put down one prescription or the other across the field from the same VRS Rx file. Granular Insights VRS supports VRS for one hybrid at a time. If the monitor can utilize a shapefile file format, then Pioneer® Field360 Studio™ can edit the imported Granular Insights VRS Recommendation layer to work with these monitors. The end result is a layer with decision zones that contain two attributes, one for each hybrid. One attribute will always have a seeding rate of 0 for each zone.
NOTE: The layer editor and export layer functions must be used because the 'create VRS from Management Zones' function of Pioneer® Field360 Studio™ does not allow export of regions with a seeding rate of 0. Seeding rates of 0 are required for this type of recommendation to avoid over-placing and overlapping product.
NOTE: This can only be used on supporting monitors that accept the Shapefile Format.
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